Things to Ask Alexa
(Note: If something doesn’t work, try Ask, Play, Open, Start or Launch)
Things worth Repeating
- Alexa, ANNOUNCE [Something that she will repeat to all Dot devices]
- Alexa, ask Aircraft Radar what airplane is near me (needs configuration)
- Alexa, ask Brain Facts
- Alexa, ask me the Question of the Day
- Alexa, find my iPhone (works for one number only – must verify before use)
- Alexa, flip a coin.
- Alexa, give me a quote from Daily Quotes
- Alexa, Good Night
Kind of Cool
- Alexa, do you rap?”
- Alexa, ask Silly Things to tell me to do something silly.
- Alexa, can you sing in auto-tune?
- Alexa, drop a beat.
- Alexa, have you ever seen the rain?
- Alexa, are there UFOs?
- Alexa, are you blue?
- Alexa, beam me up. (From Star Trek.)
- Alexa, can you pass the Turing test?
- Alexa, can you talk like Yoda?”
- Alexa, did you fart?
- Alexa, Daisy Daisy.
- Alexa, do want to build a snowman?
- Alexa, do you know Glados?
- Alexa, do you know Hal?
- Alexa, do you know the muffin man?
- Alexa, do you like green eggs and ham?
- Alexa, do you like pizza?
- Alexa, do you love me?
- Alexa, do a barrel roll.
- Alexa, do you really want to hurt me?
- Alexa, E.T. phone home.
- Alexa, guess what!”
- Alexa, are you Sky Net?
Stupid One-Liners
- Alexa, hello, it’s me!
- Alexa, high five.
- Alexa, how are babies made?
- Alexa, how big is the Earth?”
- Alexa, how deep is the ocean?”
- Alexa, how do I get rid of a dead body?
- Alexa, how far away is the Moon?”
- Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down?
- Alexa, how much is that doggie in the window?
- Alexa, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- Alexa, how old was Yoda?”
- Alexa, hum something.
- Alexa, I am your father.
- Alexa, I like big butts.
- Alexa, I shot a man in Reno.
- Alexa, I want the truth.
- Alexa, I’m Bored
- Alexa, I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.
- Alexa, is the cake a lie?
- Alexa, is there a Santa?
- Alexa, is there life on Mars?
- Alexa, is this the real life?
- Alexa, it’s a bird! It’s a plane!” (From Superman.)
- Alexa, knock, knock.
- Alexa, launch Guess the Number. (Interactive guess the number game.)
- Alexa, launch Science Studio
- Alexa, launch This Day in History
- Alexa, let’s brush our teeth.
- Alexa, live long and prosper.
- Alexa, make me a sandwich.
- Alexa, Marco!
- Alexa, may the force be with you.
- Alexa, may the force be with you.
- Alexa, may the force be with you. (From Star Wars.)
- Alexa, mirror mirror on the wall. (From Snow White.)
- Alexa, moo like a cow.
- Alexa, more cowbell.
- Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
- Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya.
- Alexa, never gonna give you up.
- Alexa, open Amazon Storytime. (Professionally-narrated stories for kids ages 5 to 12.)
- Alexa, open Animal Sounds
- Alexa, open Bedtime Story. (A quick story that is geared toward bedtime.)
- Alexa, open Big Sky
- Alexa, open Cat Facts
- Alexa, open Curiosity
- Alexa, open Curiosity. (A fun way to learn about various topics.)
- Alexa, open Escape the Room
- Alexa, open Head Space
- Alexa, open I’m Driving
- Alexa, open Laugh Box. (Alexa’s Laugh Box will play all sorts of giggles.)
- Alexa, open Life Hacks
- Alexa, open Market Insights
- Alexa, open Motivational Quotes
- Alexa, open NASA Mars
- Alexa, open Ocean Sounds
- Alexa, open Pearl of Great Price
- Alexa, open Silver Linings
- Alexa, open Sound Effects
- Alexa, open Superman Adventure
- Alexa, open the box of cats.
- Alexa, open The Daily
- Alexa, open The Magic Door
- Alexa, open The Magic Door. (Interactive Story. This will take about 10 minutes and is one of my family’s favorites.)
- Alexa, open the pod bay doors
- Alexa, open the pod bay doors.
- Alexa, open Translated
- Alexa, open Trivial Pursuit Tap
- Alexa, open Weird Facts
- Alexa, open Wiki How
- Alexa, party on, Wayne.
- Alexa, party time!
- Alexa, peek-a-boo!”
- Alexa, Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
- Alexa, play [Radio Station Call Letters] (service of Tune In)
- Alexa, play Beat the Intro
- Alexa, play Bublé Daily
- Alexa, play Choose your own Adventure
- Alexa, play Fact or Fib
- Alexa, play Guess the Celebrity
- Alexa, play Jeopardy
- Alexa, play Lemonade Stand
- Alexa, play Loop It
- Alexa, play Missing Link Adventure
- Alexa, play music by [Name of a Musical Group]
- Alexa, play my Flash Briefing (Configure stations using Alexa app)
- Alexa, play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.
- Alexa, play Sate Capital Game
- Alexa, play Sleep Sounds
- Alexa, play Smarty Pants Trivia
- Alexa, play Teen Jeopardy
- Alexa, play that funky music white boy.
- Alexa, play The Fake News Trivia Game
- Alexa, play the song [Name of the Song]
- Alexa, play the Wait Wait Quiz
- Alexa, play True or False
- Alexa, play Twenty Questions. (A fun interactive game.)
- Alexa, play Who Wants to be a Millionaire
- Alexa, play Word Chain
- Alexa, play Word Quiz
- Alexa, play Would you Rather
- Alexa, play Would You Rather. (The game of impossible choices in a family-friendly version.)
- Alexa, play Yes Sire
- Alexa, pretend to be a supervillain.
- Alexa, random fact.
- Alexa, rap for me
- Alexa, RED ALERT
- Alexa, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
- Alexa, see ya later alligator.
- Alexa, see you later alligator.
- Alexa, self-destruct.
- Alexa, set phasers to kill.
- Alexa, show me the money!
- Alexa, sing Baby Shark
- Alexa, start Kids Court. (Perfect for when you have a family argument, and need to settle something.)
- Alexa, Start my Day
- Alexa, start Song Quiz
- Alexa, start the spelling game. (Kids can brush up on spelling with this fun game.)
- Alexa, start Zoo Walk. (Alexa will make cool animal noises, and invite you to try and guess the animal that makes each sound.)
- Alexa, sudo make me a sandwich.
- Alexa, supercalifragilisticexpialodocious
- Alexa, surely you can’t be serious?
- Alexa, take me to your leader.
- Alexa, talk to Pikachu.
- Alexa, tell me a knock-knock joke.
- Alexa, tell me a pirate joke. (You’ll be surprised by how many pirate jokes Alexa knows.)
- Alexa, tell me a riddle.
- Alexa, tell me a robot joke.
- Alexa, tell me a superhero joke.
- Alexa, tell me a video game joke.
- Alexa, tell me a wizard joke.
- Alexa, tell me about Jimmy Fallon
- Alexa, tell me an animal tale.
- Alexa, tell me something interesting
- Alexa, tell me the weather in [City and State]
- Alexa, testing 1-2-3.
- Alexa, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
- Alexa, this is ground control to Major Tom.
- Alexa, to be or not to be.
- Alexa, twinkle twinkle little star
- Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?
- Alexa, what are you thinking about?
- Alexa, what did T-Rex eat?”
- Alexa, what do you think about Google Now?
- Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?
- Alexa, what does the fox say?
- Alexa, what does the fox say?” (From the song What Does the Fox Say.)
- Alexa, what happens if you step on Lego?
- Alexa, what is love?
- Alexa, what is the order of the planets?”
- Alexa, what is war good for?
- Alexa, what is your favorite color?”
- Alexa, what is your quest?
- Alexa, what sound does a hamster make?
- Alexa, what’s in a name?
- Alexa, what’s the answer to life, the universe and everything?
- Alexa, what’s the first rule of Fight Club?
- Alexa, what’s the loneliest number?
- Alexa, what’s the second rule of Fight Club?
- Alexa, when is the end of the world?
- Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?
- Alexa, where’s Waldo?
- Alexa, which came first: the chicken or the egg?”
- Alexa, which comes first: the chicken or the egg?
- Alexa, who are the members of the Avengers?”
- Alexa, who is the fairest of them all?
- Alexa, who is the real Slim Shady?
- Alexa, who is the Walrus?
- Alexa, who is the walrus?
- Alexa, who let the dogs out?
- Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
- Alexa, who loves ya baby?
- Alexa, who shot first?
- Alexa, who shot Mr. Burns?
- Alexa, who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
- Alexa, who you gonna call?
- Alexa, who’s your daddy?
- Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?”
- Alexa, why is six afraid of seven?
- Alexa, will you be my girlfriend?
- Alexa, Winter is coming.
- Alexa, witness me.
- Alexa, you talkin’ to me?
- Alexa, your mother was a hamster.
- Alexa, who loves orange soda?